—Winner of the 2020 AAWP and The Slow Canoe Creative Nonfiction Prize for ‘Incomplete archive of blue’
‘From out of all the varied, affecting, hard and heartening non-fiction entries we received this year, which took us into such a range of different lives and experiences and views, we were first surprised and then whole-hearted to find ourselves in agreement that the prize should go to this domestic story. ‘Incomplete Archive of Blue’ mixes strikingly good nature writing with the deft capturing of particular and tender (and difficult) human interactions as they appear when seen through the distance of time. Formally, it is fascinating and alive, landing somewhere between an essay and a prose poem. Lydia Davis described fragmentary writing as feeling closer to the origins of writing, ‘the closest mirroring of the writer’s emotion’, which is precisely how this piece reads — even while you are aware of the skill and work that has gone into creating that sense. In its focus on a small window of ordinary life, it provides exquisite insights into large and small questions of existence and it left us with several lasting images that we have returned to again and again.’
— ‘Phoenix’: First Prize Queenscliffe Literary Festival Microfiction Competition 2020.
—Nominated for Judith Rodriguez Award 2018 and 2019, Deakin University for ‘Vesta’s Trees’ and ‘Icarus Falling’.
—Highly Commended, Cliff Young Short Story Competition, published in The Warrandyte Diary 2018 for ‘The room on Elm Street’.
—Microfiction, ‘Home’ shortlisted (top 10) in the Byron Writers Festival Inaugural Microfiction Competition, 2018.
—Microfiction selected by Queensland Writers Centre #8WordStory billboard competition, 2017